Mask Policy update 3/9/22

Dear SSYB, Students, Family and Friends,

Last week, the CDC announced new guidelines, based on hospitalization and severity metrics, for living and working with the Coronavirus. Those metrics show that our city and region have a community status level of “low.” The CDC specifies that this status level means that masking indoors no longer needs to be mandatory. Effective March 2, New York lifted the statewide mask mandate for public K-12 schools. 

Starting Wednesday, March 9th masking indoors will be optional at SSYB studios. We will continue to be a mask-supportive and mask-friendly community. Individuals should feel completely free and comfortable to wear a mask wherever they wish.  We will continue to supply masks for those who may need one. We want to ensure that no matter the personal decision to mask or unmask, that we are kind, respectful, and courteous to every member of the SSYB community. 


Covid-19 Exposure response policy is as follows:

  1. We continue to ask that students monitor for Covid symptoms and refrain from attending class when:

    • any symptoms are present;

    • when you have ongoing exposure to a household member who has a confirmed case of Covid-19; or

    • when you are unvaccinated and have been directly exposed to a Covid-19 positive individual. Direct exposure is defined as unmasked exposure for 15 minutes or more.

  2. SSYB is following current CDC recommendations for quarantine and isolation:

    • If you test positive for Covid-19 or have symptoms (regardless of vaccination status), you must stay home and isolate for at least 5 full days from the first day of symptoms or positive test (if asymptomatic). If you have symptoms, you must isolate for the 5 days AND be fever and symptom free for at least 48 hours before returning.

    • If you had close contact with someone with COVID-19 and you are in one of the following groups, you do not need to quarantine:

      • You are up to date with your COVID-19 vaccines (2nd dose Sept 2021 or later OR fully boosted);

      • You had confirmed COVID-19 within the last 90 days (meaning you tested positive using a viral test).


August 2022 Newsletter


Nutcracker Video